Several years ago, I discovered Lauren Singer, an environmental activist who lives a zero-waste lifestyle. Singer’s known for being able to fit several years of trash that she produced into a 16oz mason jar. Yes, you read that correctly. I was just as fascinated as you were, and it was then I discovered the term “zero waste.”
Singer’s efforts inspired me to start living a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Getting started was difficult, because I felt the need to buy everything to get started, which of course defeats the purpose. With a little patience, I started to use up my old products before investing in better products for the environment. Slowly but surely I had everything that I needed to live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Lifestyle changes are exciting, but we can also feel discouraged if we make mistakes. Of course nobody is perfect, but I’ve kept up with as much as I realistically can. That’s why it’s important to celebrate even your smallest wins, whether it’s finally switching to a bamboo toothbrush, or ditching the plastic bottles and investing in a reusable tumbler.
We may never reach the “zero” in zero waste but that’s no reason to take zero action. Don’t let the zero intimidate you! Zero waste is not an all-or-nothing concept. You don’t either do it perfectly or don’t do anything at all. Do your best.
Anne-marie bonneau.
These small changes will make a huge impact. I will admit, things have been difficult since the pandemic hit. At the beginning, between the disposible masks, plastic bags, and plastic cups from grocery stores and coffee shops not accepting reusable bags and tumblers (understandibly for sanitary purposes of course) it’s been hard to see so much waste produced. That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to stay on path with reducing our waste.
I remain hopeful and will continue my journey in living a more sustainable lifestyle. If this peaked your interest, then I hope you will start being more aware of your environmental footprint too. Remember there is no rush to purchase anything. Most of what we already have will suffice. The goal is to educate ourselves, be aware of our consumption, use up what we have, and make better choices for the future. For more environmentally friendly posts, visit my tag here.