Thank you for your interest in Her Digital Coffee. We have successfully featured dozens of websites, brands, and products in our work. We look forward to partnerships that align with our vision and bring value to our readers.
We offer sponsored services, paid partnerships, product reviews, link inserts, and UGC services for our website and social media platforms. Please email our team at herdigitalcoffee@gmail.com, so we may assist you in the type of coverage you are looking for. Media kit and rates will be available upon request.

Samples and PR
We gladly accept products and samples on an on-going basis. Please note that in order to secure a feature on our blog and social media platforms, it must be done through sponsorship. Otherwise products will be shared organically at our discretion.
Affiliate Programs
Affiliate program invitations that do not provide a physical product or service for review, will not be considered for our website. We do not promote brands, products, or services without personal experience of what we’re selling to our audience. Thank you for understanding.
*For book review requests, please visit our info page here.