Halloween is fast approaching, and if you’re a fan, there are a ton of activities to help you celebrate. There are thrilling and scary options along with tamer ones as well. Whether you prefer staying indoors or venturing out, there is something for everyone!
Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year. I try to fit in as many activities as I possibly can. While things have changed with the pandemic, that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate safely! Some of us still have restrictions in place, so it’s important to remember to follow guidelines and take precautions. Here are 7 fun activities to take part in this Halloween!
Staying In
1) Carve Pumpkins Spend time with your loved ones and show off your creativity! Whether you are a pro at carving pumpkins or still learning (like me), there are so many designs to choose from! If you don’t like carving pumpkins, you can opt to paint them!
2) Scary Movie Night Nothing beats staying in, getting cozy, and watching a good scary movie. Some classics to enjoy are Psycho (1960) and Halloween (1978). If you’re looking for more scary movie recommendations, visit my recent post here.
3) Make Spooky Treats There are so many delicious and easy treats to discover. I personally love baking cookies. I’m a huge fan cookie cutters, they’re so simple and yet effective.
4) Read a Scary Book Light a few candles, listen to a calming playlist, and stay inside with a riveting scary book. I recommend Stephen King’s It and The Shining. If you’re looking for some nostalgic Halloween reads, visit my post here!
Going Out
5) Visit a Pumpkin Patch If you’re not a huge fan of things that are scary, then visiting a local pumpkin patch is a great activity. Spend time with your loved ones, get some fresh air, and admire the beautiful colors this season has to offer. Don’t forget to pick up a hot cup of coffee or cocoa on the way!
6) Haunted Houses I love haunted attractions. If you love being scared and want to have a night filled with screams and thrills, then this is the perfect activity for you! My city got creative with these attractions as the pandemic hit. One of which includes creating an immersive experience in an underground parking lot. The experience happens around you while you stay in your car!
7) Ghost Tours Each year, my city hosts an event called Ghost Tours. It’s a perfect way to enjoy some scary stories and learn about the history of your city. These tours take place outdoors so it’s important to check the weather and dress appropriately!
What activities do you have planned for Halloween? Have you checked any of these activities off your list? I hope this list inspires you to find some exciting local events to enjoy this season! Or something to enjoy right in the comfort of your own home!
The haunted houses and ghost tours sound like fun this time of year!
I agree! Thank you for reading Caleb!
I really liked your idea for visiting a pumpkin patch. It’s such a great family activity and a great excuse to get outside to enjoy some fresh air!
It’s the perfect activity to enjoy with the family! Thank you for reading Heidi!
i have yet to go to a haunted house tour this year & you reminded me. We will be still dressing up but staying inside / giving out candy / watching halloween themed movies since it’s sunday. but during the weekend, we may go out somewhere to celebrate. thanks for sharing a great list of suggestions here. and happy almost halloween!
Ooo that sounds like fun! Happy almost Halloween!
I always wanted to go on a ghost tour. Sounds cool.
You should definitely go! Thank you for reading Jamie!
Just visited a pumpkin patch and carving soon! We love all of these activities.
That’s great! I hope you had a fun time at the pumpkin patch!
These are all such great ideas to celebrate Halloween! I’m sure to be watching a scary movie or two as well as watching the Peanuts Halloween episode (a tradition). Thanks for sharing.
Yes! Can’t forget Peanuts Halloween! Thanks for reading Jodie!
I plan to have scary movie nights for a week lol – we don’t have/celebrate Halloween in Bali but I like scary movies so it will be perfect!
Scary movie nights sound perfect! Thanks for reading Merry!
It’s such a shame that Halloween isn’t a big thing in The Netherlands, but I love me a good scary movie night or making spooky treats! Just need some inspirations sometimes from the blogger community <3
A scary movie night with homemade treats sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate! Thank you for reading Lisa!
I absolutely LOVE doing ghost tours. Funnily enough, I’ve never done one in my hometown – only when I go on vacation.
I’d love to go on one while on vacation! Hopefully you get to experience a local one this year! Thank you for reading Katie!
I have seen haunted houses and ghost or horror rides through a staged horror scene, I would be terrified ha ha!
I would like to carve a pumpkin this year. Thank you for sharing these suggestions.
They’re so much fun haha. I hope you have fun carving pumpkins! Thank you for reading Lauren!
I might be going to a party on Halloween, just have to figure out what to wear! Brilliant ideas x
That’s awesome, I hope you have fun Caroline! Thank you for reading!
I am typically someone who isn’t a huge fan of Halloween, but I do love visiting pumpkin patches and carving pumpkins! I also love doing some spooky baking! Thanks for sharing this awesome list.
Carving pumpkins is such a great activity! I hope you have a great Halloween! Thank you for reading!
I have got a nice pile of Halloween movies to watch, including one of my favorites, Spooky House. Two pumpkins are ready to be carved and I am looking forward to a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows!
Thanks for sharing some fun autumn activities. 🙂
I’ve never watched Spooky House, I’ll have to check that out! Carving pumpkins and hot chocolate with marshmallows sounds lovely! Thank you for reading Jaya!
I love these kind of activities (like haunted house themed things, etc)! Your list is so great as I needed a few ideas to do some things that I haven’t tried yet — thanks for sharing!
I’m so happy that this list gave you some ideas! Thank you for reading Molly!
I’m deffo watching scary movies while eating Halloween candy 🤩
Yes! Sounds like a perfect night! Thank you for reading Maria!
Scary movies, haunted houses, ghost tours. Definitely my cup of tea. Thanks for these great lists. 👍
I’m so glad you enjoyed this list! Thank you for reading Alicia!
My little girl loves Halloween. We’re going to be making some crafts nest weekend, and baking some Halloween cookies too. We don’t have any pumpkin patches around here sadly, but that would be a great idea if they did. I love the thought of doing a ghost tour too, how much. Great post, thanks for sharing 🙂
That sounds lovely Lindsay! I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful time! Thank you for reading!
I don’t have anything planned for this Halloween sadly – I would like to visit a haunted house / location at some point in the future! I think I’m just going to dedicate next week to watching scary movies!
That sounds lovely Jenny! I hope you can visit a haunted house next year! Thank you for reading!
I agree with scary movie night! We do that every year, since here in SA we don’t really do Halloween
Scary movie nights are the best! I hope you have a great Halloween Anke!