Hello authors and publishers! Thank you for your interest in Her Digital Coffee. We are currently accepting requests for book reviews. We welcome physical book copies and EPUB files. Our preferred genre for review is mystery/thriller.

Book Request Policy
Please review our policy and include all necessary information in your request for a speedy approval. If your request is accepted, please allow up to 3 weeks for a published review on our site and on Goodreads. If your request is time-sensitive, please let us know and we will try our best to accommodate.
Send your request along with all of the information below to herdigitalcoffee@gmail.com
• A brief summary of the book
• The genre and page length
• The book’s publication date
• If your review is time-sensitive
• The format we will be receiving for review
• Identify any and all content warnings
*Please note, due to our volume of requests we will only be responding to those that we’re interested in. We reserve the right to not post reviews if content warnings are not properly disclosed beforehand. Thank you for understanding.