Her Digital Coffee has been nominated for The Aesthete Blogger Award. How exciting! Thank you so much to Ceri from Read and Review It for this nomination! I love these kinds of posts because it allows us to get to know each other a little better! To those reading, I hope you participate in this tag because I’d love to read your answers. Let’s great started!

Award Rules
1) Use the official logo/graphic of the award and display it on your blog.
2) List the rules.
3) Show some love to the one who nominated you!
4) Mention the creator (The Fictional Journal) and link it back to the original post.
5) Answer the 2 questions below.
6) Nominate 7 lovely people and notify them by commenting on their posts.
7) Ask your nominees 4 questions.
8) Share something you created. (Can be anything!)
1) Tell me something about this world that you admire. I admire the beauty that this world has to offer. Whether that be nature or the kindness of others.
2) What is your favorite form of creativity? My favorite form of creativity is writing. I also enjoy painting, but writing would be my first pick.
Read and Review It’s Questions for Her Digital Coffee
1) What is your favourite book and why? My favorite book is HorrorStör by Grady Hendrix. I love scary stories and thought the idea of this book was incredibly unique. It was filled with action, adventure, and scares throughout. If you’re a fan of the horror genre, I highly recommend checking this book out! My full review can be found here.
2) What is your favourite part of blogging? I love the creative aspect. I have a special place where I can write about things that I enjoy and am passionate about. And best of all, there’s a wonderful and supportive community that’s always lifting each other up!
3) What is one thing you think everyone should do more of? This is such a great question. I think everyone should make more time for themselves. We live in a world where everything has a time frame and there’s a lot on our to-do lists, and I think it’s important to take care of ourselves and do things that make us happy. This could be something as simple as taking yourself out to a nice lunch or treating yourself to a nice shopping day.
4) What is one thing you hope to achieve before 2021 ends? There are a lot of personal goals that I would love to achieve, and one thing all those things have in common is finding balance.
I’d like to nominate…
You! I’m leaving nominations open, as I’d love for anyone reading this to join in on the fun! The blogging community is full of incredibly talented individuals and you’re all deserving of a nomination!
My questions for you…
1) What’s been your favorite part of your blogging journey?
2) What’s your favorite time the year?
3) What’s something you’re proud of?
4) What’s another hobby you have besides blogging?
Well done! It is great to see your take on these questions. The blogging community is supportive.
Thanks for reading Jamie!
Congratulations on this award! I loved reading your answers and getting to know you more. Also, the fact that you left this open is so sweet. Everyone should definitely make more time for themselves. It can be so easy to get carried away with everything and end up neglecting ourselves but this was a gentle reminder to make money time for ourselves.
Thank you for reading Ruth!
Fun post! We loved reading your answers!
Thank you for reading!
I love learning more about bloggers I follow. Great post!
Thanks for reading Wendy!
Woo! The best thing about this post is the open nomination. I have been doing that for the past six months now, and it is so much fun to see where that takes people and the opportunities it gives other writers.
Painting is an amazing form of creativity, so I love seeing it on your list next to writing.
Congratulations on the nomination and thanks for sharing! 🙂
I definitely agree! It gives others an opportunity to participate if they wish! Thanks for reading Jaya!
It’s always nice to learn a little more about my fellow bloggers! Balance in life is key for me too. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading Jodie!
I really enjoyed reading your answers! I totally agree with what you said about the blogging community, and I love that you kept your nominations open. I really love the sound of HorrorStör too – definitely adding it to my tbr! Taking time for ourselves is so important too, I’ve actually had a super hectic week and I know I need to give myself a break. Thanks for sharing, it was lovely getting to know you a bit more x
Thank you for the nomination and for checking out my answers! I hope you have a great weekend!
Great post! They are so much fun to read! Love it 🙂 I definitely agree with the whole take time for yourself thing. This is something definitely lacking in society. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you for reading Lindsay!
Awh! This is actually so sweet of you to leave the nominations open to everyone! I love this idea! You are the second blog for today that I have came across on this award!!!1
I want to leave it open to anyone who wants to participate! Thank you for reading Anke!