Her Digital Coffee has been nominated by Transatlantic Notes to participate in ‘Fun Facts from Behind the Blog.’ It’s a tag that allows fellow writers and creators to get to know each other on a deeper level. Let’s explore what it’s like behind the scenes, discover fun facts, and connect with fellow creators. Here we go!

1) Describe yourself in 3 words. Generous, creative, and driven.
2) What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but won’t? One thing that immediately comes to mind is my first MacBook Pro. I’m torn between getting it repaired, recycling it, or selling it. I currently have a new MacBook that I love, but since the older one has a CD slot and my new one doesn’t, I figured it would be good to have around to watch old DVDs. Since it overheats and takes forever to start, I’m still deciding what to do with it. Any suggestions?
3) Do you have a hidden talent? I love and appreciate the arts. Everything from writing, singing, playing instruments, and painting. It tends to come as a surprise to many since I don’t share it often.
4) What happened in the most recent dream you can remember? I recently started watching/playing a video game called The Last of Us. It’s an action-adventure survival horror game. Needless to say, my recent dreams have been heavily inspired by this game hahaha.
5) Is there something you haven’t done that seemingly everyone else has? I live near the mountains and one thing that most people talk about is renting a cabin and going to the hot springs. It sounds like a relaxing way to enjoy nature, but the reason I haven’t done it yet is because it’s more expensive than taking a longer trip outside of the country. Even though it’s something I’d love to experience, I’d rather go for a week long trip to Vegas or San Francisco instead.
6) What is a recent life hack or latest find that you can’t live without? A recent hack I discovered is using old newspapers to clean your mirrors. It sounds crazy right? But it works! I’ve tried using microfibre cloths, different glass cleaners, DIY solutions, but I would still see streaks in the mirror. Using newspapers has been a foolproof way to keeping my mirrors streak free.
7) Share an unusual/odd fact about yourself. I love airports. I know it can be a stressful place, but I enjoy people watching and the busy energy. I don’t go to the airport unless I’m travelling but sometimes, I wonder what it’d be like to find a public area, grab a cup of coffee, and people watch without the stress of going through security and catching a flight.
8) If you had a warning label, what would it say? My warning label would be “Will remove herself from negative situations without hesitation.” For too long, I found myself tolerating certain behaviours because I felt the need to be polite or put other’s emotions above my own. I’ve learned to put myself first and I’m proud to say I’ll remove myself from toxic situations without a second thought.
9) What are your top 3 films? Psycho (1960), Scream (franchise), and It (2017).
10) Who is someone you admire? There isn’t anyone that I admire in particular, but I do admire something in everyone. Whether it’s someone’s strength, resilience, kindness, or determination, I’d like to think there’s a special and inspiring trait to everyone we meet.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. Big thank you once again to Transatlantic Notes for this nomination! Each question was thought-provoking and unique, which made this tag a ton of fun. I’m leaving nominations open and encourage anyone who’s interested to participate. I’ve included the questions below so you can easily copy, paste, and answer on your blog. Don’t forget to tag the original post here!
Blog Tag Questions:
Describe yourself in 3 words.
What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but won’t?
Do you have a hidden talent?
What happened in the most recent dream you can remember?
Is there something you haven’t done that seemingly everyone else has?
What is a recent life hack or latest find that you can’t live without?
Share an unusual/odd fact about yourself
If you had a warning label, what would it say?
What are your top 3 films?
Who is someone you admire?
What a fun idea… I love this post! I actually really enjoy people watching at the airport too, and think your idea of going without the stress of your own trip sounds so much fun! 🙂
I’m glad you think so too! There’s just something so fascinating about the energy there. Thank you for reading Heidi!
It was so much fun learning more about you. We plan on doing this tag later this summer. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to read your answers!
I know you better now
Thank you for reading Pooja!
This is so much fun! I enjoy. airports too, but not flying (anymore). My daughter always cleans her mirrors with newspaper.
Thank you for reading Wendy!
What a fun blog post! One of these days you should visit a smaller airport and grab your coffee and start blogging! I had an old MacBook as well with the cd slot. But last weekend by 1 year old spilled something on it and it hasn’t worked since 🙁
Crystal | http://www.amazingbaby.app
I definitely plan on doing that soon! Oh no, I’m sorry to hear about your laptop! I spilled a glass of water on my keyboard once and I propped it up on a desk by a fan overnight and thankfully it was okay. I hope you can get yours fixed! Thank you for reading Crystal!
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a tag post! I love getting to know the blogger behind the blog a little more ☺️
It was a ton of fun, I’m glad you enjoy these tags as well! Thank you for reading Winnie, I hope you have a lovely weekend!
I always enjoy reading the “get to know me” kind of posts! Thanks for sharing so much about yourself. I had no idea you loved horror so much!
Haha I love horror! Thank you for reading Jodie, I hope you have a lovely weekend!
I LOVE these kinds of posts!!!! I love knowing the blogger behind it all. Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading Natasha! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Love this! I also use old newspapers to clean my mirrors and it works amazingly well haha I really enjoyed reading this x
Using newspaper is such a great hack isn’t it? Thank you for reading Merry!
Yay! Thank you so much for taking part; I loved reading your answers and learning more about you! I also have a really old, slow, overheating MacBook that I have kept (sentimental reasons as my sister gifted it to me when I moved to the US). I like your warning label as I think removing yourself from toxic people/situations is a worthwhile life skill to learn. Great answers!
I think I hold onto my old MacBook for sentimental reasons as well. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one, perhaps I’ll let it stick around haha. Thank you so much for the nomination Molly! It was a great pleasure being apart of this tag.
Lol, I also have (2) old laptops still. It just feels like too much effort to factory reset them, even if I can get them to turn on. But I really need to get rid. Maybe I should just smash them up to clear them instead – one’s totally broken and physically falling to pieces.
I’m glad I’m not the only one! I want to look into how to factory reset mine once I can get past the log in screen. Thank you for reading Emma!
Ooh I love this, I always really enjoy getting to know more about the person behind the blog! I never would’ve thought of using newspaper to clean mirrors but I’ll definitely have to give that a go. I also love airports too and I think it’s really lovely you find something to admire in everyone, that’s such a great attitude to have! Thank you so much for sharing, I hope you have a lovely weekend x
Thank you so much for reading Ceri! Definitely give the newspaper thing a try, it’s such a neat trick. I think it’s great you love airports too! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!
This is a great post! Thank you for sharing. We really enjoyed this post!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My husband plays the last of us. I can only imagine what your dreams have been like! Eeek! Haha. Love reading tags like this, its so nice getting to know you a bit better. I’m the same with my old laptop too. I’ve not touched it for at least a year, probably more, but I can’t bring myself to get rid of it, just incase!
Claire x
Haha the dreams have been intense! I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one keeping an old laptop just in case. Thank you for reading Claire!